Monday, February 2, 2009

Further reading on same-sex marriage

One of my readers suggested I provide some references to support the concepts I have written about in my earlier posts on why the state sanctions marriage. For starters, here are a few links that support my contention that same-sex couples are more promiscuous than heterosexual couples. Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples by the Family Research Council, is a well referenced (56 citations), easy to read summary of many studies comparing homosexual relationships to heterosexual relationships. If you only have time to read on thing on this topic, this is an excellent place to go. Another easy to read special report from the Traditional Values Coalition quotes some Statistics On The Homosexual Lifestyle that support the idea that people in same-sex relationships are more likely than heterosexuals to be promiscuous. The Women's Prayer and Action Group (WPAAG) provides a site discussing various aspects of Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage. Of particular interest are the “in-their-own-words” sections which include quotes from homosexual authors about promiscuity and same-sex marriage. Finally, Joe Carter at Evangelical Outpost provides a heavily referenced response to an assertion by one of his correspondents, Josh Claybourn, who suggest that male homosexuality is a myth. Don't miss the section about the 1984 book “The Gay Couple,” noting what happened to the authors' hopes to dispel the promiscuity myth. Mr. Carter provides references to several other reports suggesting that even in committed relationships, homosexual men are not at all likely to be monogamous.

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